Directions to Our Office in Penang
Block 51, Level 7, Unit C (51-07-C),
Menara BHL,
51 Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah,
10050 Georgetown Penang
| +6018-7804289
Visits are scheduled by appointment only
Operating Hours
Mondays-Fridays | 10:00 am to 6:00 pm |
Saturdays | 10:00 am to 2:00 pm |

Silver Bullion is located at the Menara BHL

Side Entrance to the lobby
Getting Here
Directions by Car
You can Waze or Google Maps here by typing “Menara BHL” in the apps. The apps will specify the direction for you.
Our building is located beside MBF Tower. If you’re coming from Jalan Pangkor, take the exit right to Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah. Along there, you may turn in from one of the inter-junction of Northam Tower or Vouk Hotel Suites, from there you drive further down until you see MBF Tower, which is a pale white building. You may start looking for parking from then.
Parking At Menara BHL
You can park at MBPP’s parking lots available around Menara BHL. The parking rate is RM 0.80 per hour. You can also choose to park at reserved parking of Menara BHL and MBF Tower as well, the rate is RM 2.00 per hour.
Direction Around Menara BHL
Once you parked around there. Look for the side entrance behind CIMB Bank of Menara BHL. Walk toward the side entrance away from the bank and walk up the stairs where you see Zaid Ibrahim & Co in the lobby.
From the lobby, take the lift to level 7. Our office unit is Unit C.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.